Join CUPLC this Academic Year
Welcome to Cambridge. Whether you’re a new member of the university or returning, there is no better time to join the university’s strongest club and take your strength to the next level. Read more about our fresher’s events and sign up to our mailing list or full club membership at the link below.
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What is powerlifting?
Powerlifting is a strength sport consisting of three events: the squat, the bench press and the deadlift, descriptions of which may be found below. The lifter gets three attempts at a 1 rep max for each lift. Your best successful attempts are summed, giving you a total. This total is what one seeks to optimise, given a certain weight class.
At the referee’s command, the athlete lowers themselves into a squatting position with the hips slightly below parallel position. The athlete then returns to a standing position.
At the referee’s command, the athlete lowers the bar to the chest, holding it motionless until the referee gives the press command. The athlete then pushes the weight up until the arms are straight and the elbows locked.
The king of the powerlifting disciplines. The athlete grasps the bar which is resting on the platform floor, pulls the weight off the floor and assumes a standing erect position.
How we operate
You might wonder what the purpose of our club is given powerlifting is a solo sport. We advise and coach individuals in the best way to achieve their goals. We offer beginning coaching sessions at the start of the year, and regular team training sessions at the University Sports Centre almost every Saturday of full term from 4-6pm. We host in house competitions, for those who’d like to give competing a try in the comfort of our own gym. Our socials are also top class.
Some members join just to be part of a friendly group of individuals who share a love of weight training, with no intention of ever competing. Some train to compete in Varsity, and some compete internationally. As such, there is no right way to train that suits all needs and abilities. Powerlifting is perfect for the busy Cambridge student looking to keep in shape, be part of a supportive team but not be tied into regimented training times. That said, any of us choose to train in the evenings at the University Sports Centre with others.
We are a very accessible club for those who wish to get stronger, even those with no aspirations to compete. Everyone is welcome. While there is no obligation to, we encourage our members to give competing a go. While initially intimidating, competing can be a very satisfying and fulfilling experience, and the club is here to support newcomers to the sport. Our informal internal competitions provide an excellent opportunity to give it a go.
Our committee are responsible for the day to day running of the club. We organise club events, socials, and internal competitions. We try to promote and spread the joy of powerlifting.
Get in touch
If you have any questions beyond the content of the website, please do get in touch with general enquiries here, or contact the relevant committee member directly.