Individuals shall be assigned on the basis of what sex category they compete in, in International Powerlifting Federation (hereafter referred to as IPF) competitions.
Records shall be separated into the bodyweight classes used by the IPF. At the time of writing,
these are:
Men: Under 59kg, 66kg, 74kg, 83kg, 93kg, 105kg, 120kg and over 120kg.
Women: Under 47kg, 52kg, 57kg, 63kg, 69kg, 76kg, 84kg and over 84kg.
Records shall be separated into records in the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and Total, only.
II Assignment of Records
Records may only be lifts that were deemed good lifts in an IPF sanctioned meet, or the Varsity match, which modern Varsities now are.
Student Records shall be assigned only to those who are both current students of the University of Cambridge and members of CUPLC.
The only exception are records made by alumni within the first year after their graduation, if they achieved the records representing the University in either the British University Championships (BUCS), European University Championships or World University Championships.
All current students of the University are eligible, not just undergraduates.
Alumni Records may be assigned to any alumni lifter who was once a CUPLC member while they were a student at the University.
There is no limit on age for Alumni Records.
As opposed to Student Records, since it is unfeasible for the Webmaster to keep track of the lifting of all alumni CUPLC members, assignment of Alumni Records shall be based on application. These shall be sent to the current Webmaster, whose contact details shall be on the website.
The Record must have been made after graduation of the lifter concerned for it to count as an Alumni Record.
Records shall be assigned based upon absolute weight lifted in a particular weight class, not some weight standardised metric.
Records are assigned by weight class based upon the bodyweight of the lifter
The weight in must have been in a two hour weigh in before they lifted.
Bodyweights must be below or equal to the weight category they are assigned to, and above the weight category below, to up to two decimal places.
Records are assigned based upon the absolute bodyweight of that lifter; on the day they lifted the record. They may not be assigned based upon the category the lifter normally competes in or where they think they could have cut weight to.
A record shall only be given if it has beaten the previous record for that gender, weight category and lift. If an individual only matches an older record, the older record remains.
III Holding of Records
Records obtained when an individual was a student may continue to be held as a Student Record after said individual graduates.
A record is held until such a time as a new individual beats said record.
The CUPLC executive committee reserves the right to retroactively remove any record on the basis of poor conduct, disqualification, or cheating of any kind.
IV Display of Records
Records shall be displayed on the CUPLC website, under the ‘Records’ Section, for all to see.
If known, the year in which the record was made shall be displayed.
If a record was any form of official IPF national, international or university championship record, in any age, weight or gender category, this shall be displayed. This is not the case for unofficial records. The official IPF records may be found here
V Maintenance of Records
Records shall be kept up to date by the current CUPLC Webmaster. As such, the Webmaster bears the responsibility of keeping in touch with the competition performances of Student members of the club
VI Maintenance of Records
Any Student CUPLC member may contact the Webmaster to apply for a record with a lift or
total that they believe the Webmaster has failed to acknowledge.
If the application is valid, the record shall be assigned based upon the rules in this
VII Disputing Records
If a member disputes the way a record has been assigned, they may contact the CUPLC
Webmaster or any members of the Executive committee, and their complaint shall be reviewed
by the Webmaster and the Executive committee.