A small team of CUPLC lifters – Suzanne, Lucy and Steve – journeyed to Portsmouth in February (the week after Varsity) to compete in the British Bench Press Championships. Suzanne had a fun time making weight having to sweat bath the night before but was in without difficulty on the first weigh in. Suzanne finished with a 72.5kg bench, being crushed by 75kg but had also benched the day before, taking first in the 63s. Lucy finished with a sly 57.5kg close grip PR taking second in the 63s, meaning that both of them were invited for squad selection for the World Classic Bench Press Championships. Steven finished with a 122.5kg bench, narrowly missing out on 127.5kg which would’ve given him third place against an Oxford lifter, Will Pickering. Various other Oxford lifters also appeared such as Zoe Clark and the infamous Jamie Vickers so the day ended up essentially being an Oxbridge reunion. Suzie and Lucy later took to help loading for the heavyweights (not just in it for the free t-shirt I swear) which resulted in a game of which side can load the bar the fastest to keep us entertained.