Powerlifting Varsity win for CUPLC
Cambridge 2110.21- Oxford 2056.76

Cambridge takes back victory in Varsity with an extraordinary ensemble of strong and courageous lifters. After 10 Varsity matches, 5 won by Cambridge and 5 by Oxford, Cambridge takes the overall lead in powerlifting through the strong lifts of the following top scoring lifters: 1) Krishnaa Mahbubani, 2) Daniel Tse, 3) Matt Deacon-Smith, 4) Wilberth Solano, 5) Oliver Organ, and 6) Andrew Hodgeson.
Only 5 kg away from matching the British squat record for her body weight, Krishnaa ranked top lifter of the competition with an impressive 370.69 wilks points at 50.9 kg bodyweight. In their first Varsity matches, Daniel Tse deadlifted an amazing 212.5 kg, which is more than 3 times his body weight (65.1 kg), while Matt Deacon Smith deadlifted 255 kg at 80.4 kg bodyweight and unofficially broke 4 British records for his age and bodyweight! President Wilberth Solano scored 4th in the Cambridge team with a powerful 170 kg squat and 240 kg deadlift at 82.2 kg. First time Varsity powerlifter, Oliver Organ (79.7 kg), benched 125 kg with amazing ease, while Andrew Hodgson (112.4 kg) took the highest bench score in the meet with an incredible 160 kg. Amazing performances were also given by Calvin Wakeford who claimed the highest squat of the Cambridge team with 195 kg at 98.3 kg of bodyweight; Dan Ivtsan with a 485 kg total and only 5 kg away from the national qualifier at his bodyweight; Alexander Freer (69.8 kg) with almost a 3 times bodyweight comfortable deadlift of 202.5 kg; Tian Weng Leong with the most solid 180 kg squat at only 79.9 kg; Fiona Christie with an impressive 300 kg on her first powerlifting meet; and Peter Finichiu (73.9 kg) with an aggressive 105 kg bench press.